Wednesday, February 27, 2013

"The calm before the storm"

     Nothing special is happening, everything is calm, the weather is still changing - from winter to summer, days suddenly stop floating when normally the time is running much more faster than anywhere else, Second years are having their Trials but even their mind is totally above the whole issue - it is still not the real exam, it is hard to say when was the last weekend and how long are we here for - BUT
- the Project Week is coming - all students will spread all around the world to contribute to a two of the CAS challenges, I decided to organize one - Prague, but among this one there are many different places such as Turkey, France, Netherlands...and many others. Well let see how it goes on Saturday - I think I will need a bit of luck for our travel :)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Aquileia and Grado

     Once upon a time there was a Sunday afternoon and the trip with my lovely Czech seconda, Slovakia co-year, seconda and Julius - the only mature adult :)

We spent amazing time visiting the old town of Aquileia and the beaches of Grado. It was beautiful sunny day, yet cold.
Aquileia’s Basilica

Eating ice-cream so we won’t be that cold :) 

With Esterka

Italian Week

     Since there are only few National weeks every year and I missed the first one - African, I was very excited about the Italian week!

     It all started on Thursday night when we listened to music of Fabrizio de AndrĂ© preformed by the Italian students, it was all set up in Mickey’s - the local bar and therefore there was very beautiful and cosy atmosphere! The following was an Italian Show taking place in the Auditorium which consisted different parts of Italian history, music, theatre. We all had to dress up according to what we were told to, I had to be Mara Carfagna - an Italian politician and former showgirl but some of us had to be a pizza :)
     On Saturday afternoon all students had the chance to learn how to cook real Italian food and even the better chance was on Sunday- eating it :) The top was a formal concert of Italian songs performed again by the same amazing singers on Saturday night!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

"Carnevale" in Venice


Isn't it an awesome idea to go to Venice and see the famous Carnevale for which people from all over the world are coming to Venice to see it?

Not when it rains and everything is cancelled, let's hope I'll be more lucky next year :)

Monday, February 4, 2013

"See and die"

Sometimes I forget how lucky I am to live in such a beautiful place 
The Sea
 The Castle
The Rilke Path
 The Sunset
But this reminds me it every morning